
People Taking Action
Local foodbank volunteer gives away his $300 gift card!
HAMPTON, Va.- As a mobile food pantry was about to get underway, News 3 was looking to track down and surprise one of the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank volunteers helping out.
With some help, we spotted retiree Bob Biedron, who was trying to figure out why he was being greeted by a News 3 camera. We told him News 3 has been hearing some good things about him, to which he responded with a laugh, “They’re all lies!”
His modesty is not a surprise. We were told he’s a behind-the-scenes guy who does not want recognition for his volunteering with the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank, like helping with this food distribution event in the Hampton Coliseum parking lot.
We shared with him that we’ve been told in a short amount of time volunteering with the food bank, he’s racked up a lot of hours, to which he responded, “Uh… probably. I don’t really keep track of it.”
Bob says it’s real simple what he gets out of the volunteering.
“I just like helping people – it’s a good feeling.”
And Bob doesn’t just help out with this one; he also helps out with other mobile food pantries. He drives more than an hour away to help out with the one held in Surry County.
He also works in the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank warehouse, packing up boxes of food to be brought out to the mobile food pantries.
Bob says he retired a few years ago and knew he wanted to do some volunteering.
And volunteers like Bob mean the world to the food bank – just ask the CEO, Karen Joyner.
“He’s multi-faceted – going to mobile pantries, packing boxes, packing backpack bags – all kinds of things; just wonderful,” Karen said.
She’s emphatic that they aren’t able to do what they do without the volunteers.
That mission: Helping people in need to put food on the table. And Bob sees the numbers increasing.
“Yes I am, actually, and it’s been pretty constant large crowds – pretty constantly since I’ve started volunteering,” he said.
For what Bob is doing, News 3 is presenting him with a People Taking Action award, along with a $300 Visa gift card from our community partner, Southern Bank.
Bob was very grateful.
“That’s very nice! I think I’ll donate it to the food bank.”
Karen’s response to that sums it up quite nicely.
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“You just rock, Bob!”
Yes, he really does.
To nominate someone for a People Taking Action Award, click here.